CV ~ Stephanie C Cosby

* You will notice the shows stopped in 2017 due to my life partner falling suddenly ill. He had to quit his job and seek immediate care. I was forced into the workplace full time to keep us, our house, two kids, bills and pets taken care of. I continued to make work privately in my home studio. He is disabled and currently still in the process of re-routing his career, I am still working full time in Montessori classrooms while continuing to make work in my home studio. 2017-Current



2022-2023 After school painting class (ages 5-12) utilizing a paint organ and a “few constraints” approach to create a meditative purely expressive experience.


2017 4 Tree Planets, Permanent Collection of Methodist Outpatient Care Facility, Memphis, TN

2017 SKYWALK, lenticular Mural with Between Worlds Collaborative for Barboro Alley Project, Memphis Downtown Commission, Memphis, TN    

2015 Mi Sur/My South, a group show curated by Richard Lou, Crosstown Arts, Memphis, TN

2015 Four Knowledge, a group show Curated by Ken Hall Director of the Church Health Center at Trezevant Manor Gallery, Memphis, TN

2015 PUBLIC/ART/ists No. 2, ArtMemphis, Memphis, TN

2015 2nd Terrain Biennial Exhibition – Terrain Memphis, Between Worlds Collaborative – Ode To The River, 2301 York Ave, Memphis TN

2015 aether,solo art show at Caritas Hope Gallery, Memphis, TN invited by Centro Cultural Latino de Memphis summer showcase series.

2015 PUBLIC/ART/ists, Crosstown Arts, Memphis, TN

2014 Memphis Pulse: 2013 Arts Accelerator Finalist show at Hyde Gallery, Memphis,TN

2014 Idö Tempo, lenticular mural with Between Worlds Collaborative, South Main Mosaic Artwalk, Memphis Downtown Commission, Memphis,TN

2014 Unchained, Group Show at Rozelle Warehouse, Memphis,TN

2014 A Circular Reflection, Installation at Cleveland Street Flea Market for Crosstown Arts, Memphis, TN

2013 River Project 2-Devil’s Fruit Projected Photography in set design for Choreographer Julia Adams, Ballet Memphis, Playhouse On The Square, Memphis,TN

2013 Pyramid Scheme,Group Show, Gallery 363, Memphis,TN

2013 Material Anthology Show, Crosstown Arts, Memphis,TN

2013 Primitive Plants, Solo Exhibition, Material Art Space, Memphis,TN

2013 Hanging Participles, Group Show, Marshall Arts, Memphis,TN

2012 Project Sketchbook, The Powerhouse, Memphis,TN

2011 The Heidi Series, Group Show, Harrington Brown Gallery Memphis,TN

2011 Winter Open House, Group Show, Garden Path Studio Memphis,TN

2010 Project Sketchbook, Adam Shaw Studio Memphis,TN

2009 Project Sketchbook, Terry Woodard Studio Memphis,TN

1999 Holy Trinity, Solo Exhibition, Emiliano’s Cafe, Gainesville,FL

1999 Survivor Group Show, The Gallery of Reitz Union, University of Florida, Gainesville,FL

1998 Holy Trinity, Senior Thesis Group Show, Leeds Gallery, Earlham College, Richmond, IN

1998 The Warehouse Group Show, Bartel’s & Co. Warehouse, Richmond,IN

1995-1998 Penn House Student Group Shows, Penn House Richmond, IN


1998 BA in Fine Arts ~ oil painting, Earlham College,  Richmond, IN 

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