Uterine Stagnation
Uterine stagnation is an imbalance where the uterus has old residue buildup due to poor circulation or improper period care. Uterine stagnation may occur because the liver is under-functioning, because the body is cold, or because there is some blockage or restriction. Weak digestion can also be a factor.
Trigger and Aggravating Factors
Improper Period Care
Tampons or other “plug” type products
Birth control pills, IUDs and prescription drugs
Insufficient exercise
Over-eating, late-night eating, poor food combining
Fats, oils, chemicals, alcohol, preservatives, processed foods, refined foods
Physical injury
Restrictive clothing
Not dressing warm enough in cold weather
Related Emotions
Emotional upset
Unprocessed feelings
Unfulfilled desires
Indicators/Body Signs:
Menses that is dark in color (brown, black, purple, stringy)
Menstrual cramps
Dry cramps
Ovulation cramps
Period pain
Hesitant menstrual start (with brown discharge)
Hesitant menstrual finish (with brown discharge)
Long menstrual cycles (31 days or longer)
Absent periods
Breast Pain
Low breastmilk production
Postpartum contractions
Unexplained Infertility / Difficulty Conceiving
Late Postpartum Menstrual Return
Late Menarche
Late Labor
Low Breast Milk
Medical Diagnosis and Treatment:
Uterine stagnation itself is not a concept from Western medicine. Brown menses is considered normal along with menstrual cycles, cramps, clots, and period pain. When it comes to the rest of the body, however, clots are recognized as a blood circulation issue. However, in modern gynecology, this doesn’t apply to the uterus.
It’s possible that if further medical attention was focused on menses diagnosis clots might be recognized as a sign of poor circulation since the blood that flows to the uterus during menses is part of the larger circulatory system and the uterine artery has a direct connection from the heart to the uterus.
The following medical diagnoses are always characterized by advanced uterine stagnation buildup:
Medical treatment varies from either no treatment at all to pain killers, hormonal birth control, fibroid embolization, myomectomy, exploratory surgery and full uterine removal (hysterectomy).
Traditional Chinese Medicine / Acupuncture:
The concept of Uterine Stagnation correlates to the Traditional Asian Medicine concepts of Blood Stagnation, Liver Qi Stagnation, Qi Stagnation, and/or Cold Uterus.
Associated Risks:
Compounded stagnation over time can cause buildup in the wrong places. For example, stagnation plus phlegm may be responsible for fibroid growth.
In the case of endometriosis, stagnant menses buildup on uterine walls could be an explanation for why the endometrial lining grows in random places rather than where it’s supposed to be.
Stagnation buildup on the walls of the uterus can possibly cause interruption of the hormone feedback loop (hormone receptors line the uterine walls) which may be responsible for hormonal imbalances, PMS, and Pre-Menstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
Stagnation may be an explanation for some unexplained infertility cases since the embryo must implant into the uterine wall right after conception. If there is stagnation buildup on the walls, how might that interfere with implantation?
In the cases of IVF or IUI assistance, the health of the uterine walls is not considered which may be why it has such a low success rate.
Stagnation also seems to be a factor in ectopic pregnancies.
Steam Therapy:
Stagnation appears to be very responsive to steam therapy especially if used in combination with period care guidelines (see Uterine Cleanse). Steam alone might be capable of resolving the imbalance entirely.
Pelvic steam appears to increase blood flow and circulation to the reproductive organs which helps optimize the uterus’s natural mechanism to expel stagnant matter – menstruation. Increasing circulation helps improve menstrual effectiveness as a natural uterine cleanse.
Because stagnant matter creates secondary problems such as cramps, pain, blockages, interruption of the natural hormone pattern, cycle irregularity, and formations throughout the reproductive organs, steaming appears to be helpful in resolving a considerable number of issues.
When steaming with stagnation it is common to experience increased old residue clear out during the following period. If someone has a lot of stagnation to start off with they may see multiple clots and/or black menses (“tar”) clear out. All of this is a good sign. That old menses is now clearing out and the uterus is getting a full cleanse (which, for some reason in the past, it didn’t).
Because contracting (commonly called cramping during the period) is the womb’s natural mechanism to help clear out something that is stuck, the uterus may cramp during the initial few periods after steaming in order to help clear out old residue. It is very important to follow best period care practices.
Steam users also commonly report a difference in menses color and quality – reporting it to be more red and fresh.
It is not necessary to work with a practitioner if you know the right steam setup, duration, and herbs. Steam weekly and/or 3 days in a row before and after the period.
Recommended if dealing with minor uterine stagnation issues and needing help with herbs and setup. Facilitators have great services such as spa packages, steam rooms, pamper parties, mobile steam services, and possibly saunas and herbs for sale for home steaming. Great on a weekly or monthly basis for overall wellness, preventative care, and connecting with the pelvic steam community.
Recommended if dealing with advanced uterine stagnation concerns. Definitely consult with them prior to surgery. Peristeam Hydrotherapists are specialists at reading the menstrual cycle and using steam and herbs to target imbalances that may be at the heart of advanced uterine issues. If unsatisfied with medical options and looking to steam as an alternative, these are the specialists who have studied various gynecological concerns and learned how to use various steam schedules to target them. Plan to work with a steam therapist monthly until the problem resolves. Often there is a big difference in symptoms after 3 months.
Recommended when there is a uterine disorder (fibroids, endometriosis, PMDD, PCOS, unexplained infertility, etc). For best results do an initial consultation plus follow-up consultations. The follow-up consultations should take place after each following period or monthly.
During the follow-up consultation, the Peristeam Hydrotherapist will be able to read the menstrual cycle to determine if there are any leftover stagnation and/or other imbalances and how to modify the steam plan and herbs accordingly. With stagnation, it is very common that the steam plan and herbs will change after the first few periods.
6 -12 months
The amount of time to naturally resolve a uterine disorder completely varies. Ovarian cysts tend to be quicker (3 months) and fibroids tend to take longer (12 months). People who have the best results work with a Peristeam Hydrotherapist and follow the steam schedule very closely for, at least 3-6 consecutive months in a row.