The consultation Scheduler is on hold…

…but I am taking clients on an individual basis. Please email me to see if I have an opening.

  • What Is Pelvic Steaming?

    Pelvic steaming is when a person sits, squats or kneels over a pot of warm herbal steam for 10-20 minutes (or more) depending on what is being addressed. This body care practice is…

  • Is pelvic Steaming Safe?

    Here you will find articles with real pelvic steaming case studies and a link to the database of testimonials documenting healing stories.

  • Steam Stools

    There are benefits and drawbacks to the different steam set-ups, so I’d recommend going with your personal preference. Here you will find examples of different options.

  • Pelvic Steaming Herbs

    I have created four pelvic steam blends that cover four types of users…